팔레스타인 청년의 부탁글/일기장 2015. 1. 12. 00:26
2015.1.9. 새벽
페이스북 메신저.
Hammad Ramzy
Hello. How are you?
> Sorry, I check you lately.
Hello. It's ok.
> Are you in gaza now? Here is AM 12:43 ^^ I'm reading a book.
Yes. l'm in Gaza.
> I like some Gaza hip-hop musics. Do you also listen to it?
Hhhhhhh. Yes lt's so funy.
> I can't understand the meaning well ^^
Why ?????
>DAM was the first group I knew. I can't do arab language.
Hhhhhhh. Yes lt's so funy. What DAM?
> DAM is rappers of Gaza. since 10 years ago.
> There is documentary film about them.
Mmmm lt's very good job.
> Can you recommend gaza hiphop music in Youtube? Or, any videos you like.
Mmmmm. No, I do not hear these songs so much.
> Ok ^^ Let me know it, later~
Can l ask you a question? ?
> Yes.
Do you have air iced؟؟؟
> air iced?
> Sorry I can't understand it
Snow ing.
> Do you say machine to make snow?
> Spray?
The weather.
> Ah... Now. Here is winter. Snowy. Sometimes snow fall down, these days.
I want to ask you request.
> What request?
Can you write my name in the snow and send it to me؟؟؟
> Ah ha. Of course. But not now.
> I have to wait until snowing.
> Maybe, in 2 weeks. Here is not canada ^^ Why do you want it?
Because there is no snow in Gaza.
> Okey ^^
Don't be late.
> I'm not sure cuz it belong to sky. But, I will send it as soon as possible.
and send me the arab words of your name.
I will try write arab words with alphabet words.
I want my name like it
OK. The letter is حماد أهل
> حماد أهل , See you again. Here is too late~ Peace, Bro
OK. see you.